Meeting the Search Engines Finding common threads among the engines

All search engines try to make their results the most relevant. They want to make you happy, because when you get what you want, you’re more likely to use that search engine again. The more you use them, the more money they make. It’s a win/win situation. So when you do your search on classic car customization and find what you’re looking for right away instead of having to click through five different pages, you’ll probably come back and use the same search engine again.
Content is the meat and bones of your website. It’s all the information your website contains, not just the words but also the Engagement Objects. Your page’s relevancy increases based upon your perceived expertise. And expertise is based on useful, keyword‐containing content.
The Internet is a little like high school in that you are popular as long as a lot of people know you exist and are talking about you. Search engine spiders are looking for how many people are linking to your website, along with the number of outgoing links you have on your own site. Google really loves this factor
If you walk into a grocery store and find everything stacked haphazardly on the shelves, it’s going to be harder to find things, and you might just give up and go to another store that’s better organized. Spiders do the same thing.
Getting to Know the Major Engines
It’s time to meet the three major search engines: Google, Bing, and Yahoo. As we said earlier, they all measure relevancy a bit differently. Google might rank a page of content as more relevant than Bing does, so Google’s results pages could look quite different from Bing’s results pages for the same search query.
Meanwhile, Yahoo uses Bing’s index of the web and ranking algorithm to serve organic and much of its paid search listings. For this reason, deciding which search engine is best is often subjective. It all depends on whether you find what you’re looking for.
Organic versus paid results
One of the major ways search engines are differentiated is how they handle their organic versus paid results. Organic results are the web pages that the search engines find on their own using their spiders. Paid results (also called sponsored listings) are the listings that the site owners have paid for.
In web searches, paid results usually appear as ads along the top or right side of the window, but they also can appear lower on the page, among or below organic listings. Paid results don’t necessarily match your search query either. Here’s how this happens.
Google began as a research project by two other Stanford University students, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, in January 1996. They officially incorporated as Google in September 1998.
Organic results
Over time, Google has developed into the powerhouse of the search engine realm. Here are just some of the reasons why Google is the king of search engines and shows no signs of giving up the crown.
Paid results
Google has a service called Google AdWords that regulates its paid results for desktop and mobile. It’s a pay per click advertising model that lets you create your own ads, choose the keyword phrases you want your ad to appear for, and set your bid price and budget.
Last word
Google also offers the ability to publish ads on the Google Display Network. Consisting of more than two million websites, videos, and mobile apps, the Display Network also includes Google sites such as Gmail, YouTube, and Blogger. Owners can earn money by enrolling in Google’s AdSense program to allow advertisements on their sites, apps, or video content. AdSense ads generate revenue for the site owners based on factors such as clicks or impressions.